The modern successorof the ancient tradition...

The modern successorof the ancient tradition...

Wienerberger – керамические блоки Porotherm, клинкерный кирпич Terca, керамическая черепица Koramic, брусчатка Penter

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Catalogs and brochures

Thermal Insulation

Due to the heat from the inside to form gaps

Sound insulation

Due to the inside edge of the vote, which prevents air gaps


Complete new technology for high-heat cooking cider-making institutions are very lower coefficient


Due to the high degree of production, very fire-resistant


Very high pressure resistance strengthens the foundation of buildings

Standard sizes

Corresponding to the standards, the dimensions will not fail

Save time and work

On the surface of the plaster to create high-quality processing and construction on the grounds that it saves time.

Friend of nature

To create thermal insulation in buildings, saves fuel and protects the environment from pollution.